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Philosophy of Education

My Philosophy

Education aims to shape young minds and develop them into being successful in the world. I believe that children learn best when they are taught their needs, also known as Humanism, “This theory states that the student is the authority on how they learn and that all of their needs should be met for them to learn well” (WGU, 2020). Abraham Maslow’s hierarchy of needs states there are five broad labors “the physiological needs, the needs for safety and security, the needs for love and belonging, the needs for esteem, and the need to actualize the self, in that order” (George, 2022). For students to learn best, these needs should be met first.


The curriculum in my classroom will include the “basic” standards tailored to every student to help them learn best. These standards will consist of each child’s learning style in what they need. Children learn best when a teacher is focused on helping their students succeed and not just when they are given their assignments. My classroom will contain a lot of different opportunities to meet students’ learning styles. I will make sure I am helping each student to be able to learn through the learning style that best fits their needs, whether that be with hands-on experience, which I will do by incorporating STEM activities throughout my lessons, or With one-on-one experiences, which I will do by allowing time in between subjects to walk around to students and ask them what they didn’t understand from the lesson; Independent learning, which I will do by giving students a task to complete by themselves but allow them to come up to me if they have any questions about the assignment. 


Some of the basic styles that I will address are: 

  • Emotional, I will help my students by setting aside some time to talk to them to see where their heads are and if they need any help. 

  • Social, I will be making group assignments that will be made up randomly by stick draw so that students work with different people, not just their friends in the class. 

  • Physical well-being, we will have recess, brain breaks, and even physical games planned for our lessons. I will ask my students each year what I can do to make their learning experience the best it can be that year and consider their answers for each lesson I plan. 

Teachers should have qualities that will allow them to have a successful classroom. Qualities that make a successful classroom are teachers who love their job, patience, open-mindedness, kindness, and ambition. It is essential that children feel safe and heard in a school and not as if they are being ignored. My classroom will be filled with love, energy, and happiness.

hierarchy of needs.png

Boeree, C. G. (n.d.). Abraham Maslow. Abraham Maslow.

Five Educational Learning Theories. (2020, May 30). Western Governors University.

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